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Spring Break FREE
Kid's Gift Basket Draw

Looking for something fun to do with the kids during Spring Break? Visit the Museum, have them find the Mythical Creatures and enter their name into our free Kids Gift Basket Draw. They could win a basket full of great prizes!

~ Children 12 and under



While your here enjoy the other displays and exhibits!



Picnic Basket

Mother's Day
Gift Basket Raffle

Want to win Mom a basket full of wonderful gifts? Then buy a ticket for our Mother’s Day Gift Basket Raffle.


Proceeds go toward the restoration of our 1949 Canadian Pacific Railway Caboose and Speeder.


Tickets are on sale at the Museum starting

in April. - $5.00 each!




Christmas Beef Raffle

Each year our Annual Beef Raffle provides major funding for specific projects and initiatives. This includes the restoration of our beloved caboose and speeder, and the repair of the museum windows.  


Tickets are available in September:

  • 5 tickets for $20.00

  • 1 ticket for $5.00

And can be purchased by dropping in or calling the Museum.


You could win one of 3 great prizes and help a great cause at the same time. 

  • 1st Prize: Side of Beef valued at $2,500

  • 2nd Prize: 1/4 of Beef valued at $1,250

  •  3rd Prize: 1/4 of Beef valued at $1,250


The draw will be held on Saturday, December 2nd at 2pm. Good Luck!


A big thank you to our sponsors:

 Schwichtenberg family and Holberg Farms.


Holberg Farm

Steward ship centre bc

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