The Story of our
Historical Society
The Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society was first established in 1979 when a group of people interested in forming a historical society were meeting in Harrison Hot Springs - they named the group the Harrison Lake Historical Society. Shortly after the group moved meetings to Agassiz, where most of the members lived. By 1982 the society incorporated as a non-profit organization and the name was changed to the Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society. In the 1980's the society was given a small space in the District of Kent office where they undertook administration, displayed artefacts and ran a mini museum.
In 1985, to prevent the demolition of the old Agassiz station, the Society purchased the building from CPR for $1.00, with the understanding that it was to be moved off the original site. And so the station was moved to the Experimental Farm where it stayed until 2003.
This was the time when the District of Kent saw the value in having the Station anchor Pioneer Park, and paid for it to be returned.
Today, the Agassiz-Harrison Museum & Visitor Centre sees close to 7000 visitors per year, holds events and programs, and our archives and collections are instrumental in local and regional research projects.